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  • 励志
  • 2024-04-06

最美丽的生命作文?【篇一】小学生美丽的生命作文600字 读小学前,我家住在河边一座房子里,河岸景色亮丽。这个故事在这里开始,在这里结束。这不过是一个小小的故事,却改变了我对生命的理解,将我从不快里牵出,投入阳光。小时候的我,那么,最美丽的生命作文?一起来了解一下吧。









1. 以 生命的美丽 为题 写一篇600字左右的作文 急








在平凡的生活中,有太多人和事,使我忘却过,又祝福过,忽略过,又期待过,但是一提起最美丽的生命,他就会悄然地到我的身旁,虽然一言不发,但是他的音乐仿佛一段隐忍的心曲,轻轻地抚慰着我的心灵。 他的一生充满了苦难。穷困潦倒,病魔缠绕,亲人捉弄,耳朵失聪。世界不曾给过他什么快乐和幸福,但是他没有抱怨放弃这个世界,凭着惊人的精神和意志征服了不幸的遭遇,反而创造出永恒的快乐和幸福献给这个世界。 这样一位100多年以前,相隔半个地球之遥的外国糟老头所起到的作用,在我的心中决不逊色于秦皇汉武、唐宗宋祖,成吉思汗、各朝各代起义领袖等等英雄人物的斐然政绩。只要人类不从地球上消失,他和他的音乐就不会磨灭。 他就是贝多芬。 他能够突破重重苦难,从苦难的深处引发出快乐和幸福赠送给我们,这就足够了。因为我们所要的只是一种快乐和幸福的生活,这种对生活的热爱和希望的态度。 现代生活不一定遭受贝多芬式“苦难”的困境,但“苦难”却是必须要经历的。学习的压力,工作的繁杂,生活的艰辛,婚姻的磨合等等,常常使你六神无主,猜忌怀疑;学习的顺利,事业的成功,生活的富足,情场的得意等等,常常也会使你忘形于色,咀嚼苦果。 不管怎么样,只要你在“苦难”之后,能够像贝多芬一样以聪慧胆气勇于承担后果,即使在所有梦想破灭成一地零碎地瓦砾,也能够永不放弃,那么我们也是最美丽的生命。


1. 以“生命之美”为话题写一篇作文




《生命之美》生命就是希望,是人生行程的曙光。漠视生命,那可能使你自己仅有的一点希望之光熄灭,消逝。随之而来的只有伸手不见五指的黑暗,你会坠入不见天日的深渊。 生命中不是永远快乐,也不是永远痛苦,这两者是相辅相成的。正如花朵一般,花开时是美好的,花落时也是美好的,因为花朵已重归大地母亲的怀抱。这样看来,快乐固然好,痛苦又何尝不美丽? 记得有这样一个真实的故事…… 有一个女孩儿,身材瘦小,脸上带着微笑,但女孩儿的两个袖子空空的,什么也没有。女孩儿的母亲脑子出了毛病,隔一段时间就要出走一次。在她很小的时候,母亲又一次出走,她的双手就是因为母亲的出走失去的。小女孩是个爱读书的孩子,但由于各种原因,小女孩不能上学,但她却不放弃,趴在教室外的墙上,听老师讲课,但后来被教室里的老师发现了,老师非常惊讶和感动,于是,每天都让小女孩和同学一起上课,并且没有告诉学校。就这样,小女孩上完了小学,她的毕业考试分数是全县第一,但由于她没有双手,所以没有一所中学录取她。虽然她的双手是因为母亲而失去的,但她却一句抱怨也没有,不仅爱妈妈,反而还觉得对不起她。


【 #英语资源#导语】生命是美丽的,美丽的生命是人类文明的花朵;生命是脆弱的,脆弱的生命禁不起最微不足道的“生命意外”。是啊,生命就像一朵花,生命之花是绚烂的,也是脆弱的,稍不珍惜就会枯萎,以下是为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


What is life? Are you content with the status quo and don't want to make progress? Is it to retreat in the face of difficulties and meet the needs of both sides? Or chasing fame and wealth? Society is complex. All kinds of life exist in all kinds of ways. Perhaps it is the complex society that fascinates our eyes and can't distinguish the true meaning of life. So, let's go back to nature and see how "lower" creatures interpret life.

The light rain in spring is pattering down in Zhejiang, and the restless hearts of bamboo shoots in the soil of mountains and forests are beating with joy. Yes, they are called by spring. They keep rushing up, accumulate the strength of winter, and finally release it. But the reality is cruel. There are big stones on the land. If you want to break through the soil, the bamboo shoots must turn over the stones.

Therefore, before breaking the ground, the bamboo shoots began to compete with the stones. Their roots stretched in all directions, absorbed more nutrients and vowed not to bow their heads. Finally, they won the first contest in their life, and they won the reward from nature and the right to exist. This is life. It is not content with the status quo and do not want to make progress, but work hard, never admit defeat, do not be difficult, do not bow to evil forces, explore the potential of life and pursue truth, goodness and beauty.

The grass that can be seen everywhere in the field is not precious, but it embodies the most basic value of life. Don't expect to be unparalleled in the world, just hope to live. Thin grass leaves and small bodies, in such a vast nature, they seem to be unable to withstand a little wind and rain. But the raging rain, bleak wind and ruthless frost did not make them disappear, and even the raging fire could not completely destroy them. It is hard to imagine that there is so much energy in a small body. This is also life. It is full of toughness. It can't be tortured or oppressed. You can give everything for a belief. Grass's life is not weak or hard, but more like a thick vine. It knows humility and evasion, persistence and unyielding.

When the sky is snowing heavily, the flowers, plants and trees wither and wither, waiting for spring in the soil. Oh, no, except for them, in the wind and rain, the thin bodies stand tenaciously, and the small flowers on the branches show the unyielding of life. It is plum blossom. Without green leaves and tender branches, even the only flower is not outstanding, but it has a strange fragrance. Life is a challenge, is not satisfied with the status quo, is constantly evolving.

Life should dare to be the first. Although the survival of the fittest and the natural law of natural selection cannot be changed, we can change ourselves and occupy a place in the growth space of all things. Life can not be cowardly, can not be afraid of pain. Just as in order to adapt to winter, the leaves of plum blossom are less and less, and the branches are more and more barren. Therefore, life is a constant struggle, exercise yourself in difficulties, sublimate yourself, and constantly pursue and change. This is the true meaning of life.


PA! " A drop of crystal fell from the sky and knocked on the pink petals. I quickly picked up the amazing beauty from the ground, put it in my hand, turned and ran back under the eaves.

It's probably someone else's garden. There are all kinds of flowers and plants, and there are slender Hibiscus in the earthen jar. The black cat in the yard stretched its tail forward behind the earthen pot and swayed in the rain. The small pollen in the palm is white, soft and delicate like a newborn baby, tender enough to pinch out water, and the late autumn rain stops on the petals.

The gray sky, like clouds painted with thick paint, fluttered on the distant mountain peaks one wave after another. Deep in the clouds, the golden sun hid there. It seemed that this late autumn rain was her little farce. All things sprouted a layer of wet fluff. The paintings woven by water patterns in the pond woven the whole vivid autumn in the dense stitches of rain.

The raindrops in their hands lie quietly and watch their thousands of companions fall quickly from the air, screaming or joyfully, breaking through the clouds in the air, rotating, flying, non-stop, running forward, and finally jumping into the black soil, just like ignorant children exploring the new world and desperate young people pursuing love, With full enthusiasm for the world and full joy for life, go forward from a starting point and never look back.

It's late autumn. Obviously, it has changed its color in the cycle of the four seasons, but it has different vitality in a rain. The flowers are clustered with few petals, and few leaves are hung on the branches. It seems that they are not afraid that a rain at this time will take away their lives. They all try to open their mouths to absorb the rain and dew. In this late autumn when life withered, a rain turned my eyes and found the ardent beauty of life. Life, whether it's rain and dew from the sky, growing vegetation, or people with a dark future and desperate situation, have a new taste of life in this rain.

Rain, flowers and people are all an attitude towards life. It is the bravery of rain, the hope of flowers, and the surprise and understanding of people. Why not live the four seasons as yourself and live a fearsome courage? The rain stopped, countless raindrops sneaked into the soil and flowed into the river and sea, and the flower quilt was gently placed on the wooden frame in the yard. The glittering and translucent water drops are now moving around with the sun. Inadvertently, they shine.


Life is like the passage of time, how many reincarnations and how many continuations. In the eyes of the world, the so-called life is to carry out one continuity after another without losing its original meaning. It is big or small, how great or how small, but there is one thing about the law of life that cannot be violated. We must respect it.

Why is there life? This is an unsolvable mystery, but we at least know that life is supreme, but it is always inadvertently despised by life and life, just because of size, just because of ability, just because of a kind of dignity that life has. Between the two, there will always be so many people who no longer exist in the world. Is the instinct of life so weak? Life can't be reborn after it disappears in this world. Until a series of forever become illusory, life will realize how helpless everything is. At the moment of nature and under the environment, life seems so powerless to resist or kill each other. We live in the same world and should live for the same purpose! Why is life so? How precious is the instinct of life!

Then I want to establish a life day. No matter how great and small it is, at least we can respect life, protect life, cherish life, and at least don't let life live for illusory things.

Then the life growing up in difficulties often makes him cry. Although some people know how to cherish life, they just talk about it. To protect frogs and give them a beautiful home, the frog singing in the countryside is beautiful and can catch pests, but what's the use? Within a few days, he ordered a plate of bullfrogs in the restaurant and ate them with relish. He couldn't help sighing: "now people don't have much protection. What's the use of me alone?" The impermanence of life also does not need millions of people to respect it, but at least some people will realize that this kind of life is close to extinction until they become less and less, so they struggle to take action to protect rare animals and rare animals. Life is equal, but it is a small move. Why is there such a big gap in life?

Relatively speaking, the life growing between stone cracks cannot be valued. They did everything they could to survive, but they were always in awe of people. They are nameless, and no one admires them even at the end of their life. Their strong courage is ignored. Does life just have no dignity and rights because of their different appearance?

Life day is not only because of the continuation of life and living for dignity, rights and equality. We may change what we live in this world, but we must absolutely respect life. This is the meaning of life day.

May all lives live equally.

以上就是最美丽的生命作文的全部内容,1. 以 生命的美丽 为题 写一篇600字左右的作文 急 生命的美丽 戈壁沙漠中一棵孤独的小树,它的生命虽弱小、短暂,却也默默地绽放着生命的光彩——给迷路的跋涉者以希望。内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。
