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  • 作文素材
  • 2023-09-01

英语作文的评语?1.整体印象类评语 Super!Excellent!Perfect!Wonderful!Fantastic!Marvelous!采用整体印象类评语对于起始阶段学生有较好激励作用,但若千篇一律使用此类评语,就会使学生无法正确认识自己写作水平,最终导致教师评语失去应有作用。那么,英语作文的评语?一起来了解一下吧。




1. 结尾以…点明中尽,含蓄隽永

2. 本文能紧扣题目要求完整地写了…的过程

3. 结构严谨重点突出

4. 语言朴实简洁流畅开头和结尾都很自然准确

5. 开头简洁自然结构清晰心理描写 真实体现出作者良好的语言驾驭能力

6. 这篇短文的特点可概括为亲切温馨隽永

7. 文中描绘的…清新活泼欢快明朗字里行间跳动着的童心使文章也有了生命力

8. 文章凭着丰富的想象凭着多彩的语言将…呈现读者面前

9. 文章简洁明了语言平淡朴实

10. 作者观察细致想像力丰富运用拟人比喻等手法使生动活泼引起了读者的兴趣

11. 你很善于抓住事物的特点进行具体描绘展示了…文笔间渗透了情感

12. 本文用词准确严密语言平好橘实自然而比喻拟人等修辞的运用更使文章锦上添花

13. 这篇作文的主要特色是叙述具体细节真实描写生动有真情实感并运用了比喻拟人等修辞手法把…写得非常传神同时表达了…对…的喜爱

14. 小学生能有这样的体会令人刮目相看

15. 对…的比喻用得妙

16. 运用多种感官描写十分仔细

17. 简单交待时间地点和结果…

18. 语言简练规范开篇吸引人

19. …以…开头较有新意前因后果娓娓道来

20. 开篇简明扼要精炼有序;重点描述…给人留下深刻印象


1. 语言朴素中心明确构思合理行文层次清楚

2. 能把人物内心活动写得十分生动的确难能可贵给人留友启团下了深刻的印象

3. 文章头尾照应中心明确结构完整

4. 文章有理有据说服力强突出人物个性上下文过渡自然条理清晰首尾照应结尾点题突出中心思想

5. 文章将…写得细致入微

6. 语言活泼明快,富有情趣。



Miss Tang is my English teacher. She’s very pretty. She is tall and thin. She has two big eyes and a small mouth. Her hair is long. She likes cats very much. And she likes singing and dancing, too. Her English is very good. We often play games in English classes. She is very kind to us. We all love her.




Hello, my name is Lin Min.I live in ChangAn town.I study in No.1 primary school.I like my school.I go to school from Monday to Friday.And I like my weekend too.On Saturdays,I do homework in the morning.Then I eat lunch.I play computer games in the afternoon.I can play computer games only one hour.I play the piano at three o’clock.I like playing the piano. I can listen to music in the evening.I think it is so funny.On Sundays, I often learn English.In the evening.I must go to bed early,because tomorrow I will go to school.



英语作业评判腊语有. good好, great非常好,perfect完美的。

还可以用A /A+/B/B+等。喊冲橡






a brief introduction of the time, place and results ...


Concise language, norms, begins to attract people.


... In order to ... First, a new, Weiweidaolai antecedents and consequences.


The opening be concise and to the point, refining orderly; key description ... Very impressive.


To view the metaphor, beginning quite new; flashback beginning, rendering the mood.


At the beginning of straight to the subject, is also a kind of way.


Beginning very lively. Personification makes beginning is lively,


Asked at the beginning of a sentence, to attract readers.


At the beginning of straight to the subject, let people stick out a mile.


At the beginning of the theme, with the word is very attractive.


scene and the atmosphere for the description of grace;


Will be ... Change into ... Some more appropriate,


Natural bridge, details of outstanding character, moving.


In his narration clip, Yiyiduren, feel for others.


Anthropomorphic language make the article more appear to be lively and vivid.



... On the exciting place for a simple description; Dianmianjiege


Brief introduction of situation, natural transition to the next paragraph;


Situation description arouse suspense;


Make full use of the language, action, psychological description, make something specific, vivid.


Brief description of antecedents, to pave the way.


1、You are an honest and hardworking girl. You leave me a very deep impression. No pains, no gains. I hope you will make more progress in English study in the future.

2、You are an excellent boy. I appreciate what you have done in your handwriting and believe you will be successful on your study.

3、You are a handsome boy. I enjoy your activeness on class. Wish you a glorious future.

4、You are an earnest girl and dutiful on your job. Thank you very much for your assistance on my teaching. I hope you can make more progress in your handwriting. Wish you a splendid future.

5、You are an active and passionate girl. I appreciate your participance in class activities. Wish you a happy life.

6、You are a very careful girl. Your handwriting is a marvel of neatness and order. I am sure there is nothing difficult for you to overcome.

7、You are a clever girl. I appreciate your handwriting so much. Wish you make more improvement on your study.

8、You are a humorous boy. You may have some difficults on English, I hope you will make more progress in later day.

9、You are a sunny boy. You are very active on class. Pay more attention on English grammar. Work harder and you will make more progress.

10、You are an open-minded boy. I enjoy your activeness on class. Wish you make more improvement on English study.

11、You are a hardworking girl. You have a gift for English study. Where there is a will, there is a way. Wish you a fantastic future.

12、You are a straight-forward boy. I appreciate your creativeness on class. I hope you can make more improvement on your handwriting in later day.

13、You are an earnest and hardworking girl. Your English is very good. I hope you can take part in more class activities. Wish you a terrific future.

14、You are a shy but hardworking girl. Try to be more active on class. Be confident, you are the best.

15、You are an honest boy. You are good at running and jumping. Wish you be a superstar in the near future on Olympics.




Great! / Nice! / Perfect! / Good! / Very good! / Wonderful! / Correct! / Excellent! / Careless! / Unclear! / Untidy!


Well done! / Neat and tidy! / Very nice! /Quite correct! /Quite OK (Okay)! /Well-written! /Just so- so. /Far from correct. /So careless! / Try hard!


Your English is excellent.

I wish you would work harder.

How I wish you would be more careful.

Pay attention to your spelling.


光阴一去不复返。—Lose time is never found again.

不劳信拍无获。—No pains, no gains.


以上就是英语作文的评语的全部内容,教师在布置了作业之后,还需要批改,那么英语作文怎么样批改评语呢?下面是我收集整理的英语作文批改评语,欢迎阅读参考~字迹 A、本子清秀、整洁,犹如海滨小城的街道一样,找不到一点脏……端端正正的字迹,内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。
