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  • 成长
  • 2024-07-10

梦想英语作文带翻译?I have a dream that I am always young. Then I will have enough energy to do everything whenever I want. Moreover, I don't have to worry about the old age during which I even can't take care of myself. I know that my dream will not come true. However,那么,梦想英语作文带翻译?一起来了解一下吧。


my dream英语作文第一篇

I have a dream that I am always young. Then I will have enough energy to do everything whenever I want. Moreover, I don't have to worry about the old age during which I even can't take care of myself. I know that my dream will not come true. However, I think it is lucky that I am young now. So I will treasure my time, enjoy my life and try my best to do everything well.

my dream英语作文第二篇







1、I have a dream, a very different dream, that is when a boss.I admire Bill Gates, so I determined to be a boss like that, when a everyone respected. I want to make a lot of money, let mom and dad for me proud


2、I have a dreamI ,Iwant to become a actor when i grow up. I like acting and i hope i can act many good movies and tv plays in the future. what's more, being an actor can make a lot of money so that i can buy a big house for my mother so that she doesn't work so hard.



梦想是一种挥之不去的感觉、是深藏在人们心灵深处最强烈的渴望。 怎么写一篇我的梦想带有译文的高中英语作文呢?下面是我给大家整理的英语作文mydream高中带翻译,供你参考!


When the teacher needs to have abundant knowledge and enough patience, you also need to have a selfless love. Our teacher in charge teacher Chen has these. Whenever the students learning state is abnormal, she will talk with us in time. And during the summer and winter vacation or at ordinary times many times to come to visit, understand the students' family situation, to communicate with their parents. To help students through individual learning situation.

Our teacher has enough knowledge. Every time we put forward a variety of problems, they can be easily answered. When we were puzzled, they very patient according to their own teaching experience, from our point of view, speaks bother to pass through.

My dream is to become a good teacher. To be a teacher because I think is happy. When you see my students leave school, on each post show of his own life; When saw them set up their own career success: when they have a harmonious family; When she saw her students in their respective field, pieces gain honor... It feels like to see their own orchard, fruit trees blossom, "plum full world" this is when the teacher happiness. This is the reason I determined to want to be a teacher.




Everybody'sdreamisdifferent,somepeoplewanttobeadoctor,somepeoplewanttobealawyer,otherswanttobeascientist.Nomatterwhatthedreamis,mustbeafterlongefforts,havetheopportunitytobepartofyourlife.Mydreamistobeahelpfuldoctor. WhyIwanttobeadoctor,becausedoctorisawarm-heartedman,richorpoor,hewillbecarefultocurethepatientofhisdisease,seemstohavemagicpower,Ihaveakindofwanttobeadoctor,mymotheroncetoldme,whenyouaresickthedoctortoldyoushouldpayattentiontothekindofplace,itmakesmefeelverywarm,I'mimpressedwithalsoremindsmeofawords"amanhadadream,havegoals,hadatarget:衡物thereispower;thereismomentum.Lifeisfullofmeaning." Forwhenaleteveryonepraisedthegooddoctor,Imustbringentertainmenttimetoreadsomebooks,Ialsofoundthatsomedoctorsarewillingtospendthetimetolistentothepatient'svoice,prescribingappropriatefor此拦戚eachpatient,patientssolvethephysiologicalandpsychologicalpain. Nomatterthedreamwillrealize,Iarewillingtotryit,eveniftheprobabilityofsuccessisnotbig,Iwillstillhard.BecauseIbelievethataslongasyouworkhard,successwillslowlyclosetoyou.Someoneoncesaid"theworldisdifficultifyouputyourheartintoit."Fatheralsooncesaidtome:"lifeislikerunningamarathon,toovercomethedifficultiesandobstacles,tohavethe opportunitytoreachadestination."Chasingthedreamisin

thesameway.Aslongas森陵thedifficultiesintheprocessofpursuingdreamshavethecourage,anddonotgiveupthespiritof,believeIcanachievemydream. 每个人的梦想都不一样,有的人想当医生、有的人想当律师、有的人则想当科学家。


梦想是让人前进的动力,哗高有梦想的人生才有意义。下面,是我为你整理的my dream初中英语作文60词带翻译,希望对你有帮助!

my dream初中英语作文60词带翻译篇1

My dream is to become a English teacher, because I like English, and I trusted my English, I will teach my students a lot of English words, English sentence patterns, English grammar. A lot of knowledge about English.

If I became a English teacher, I will use English to tell jokes in class every day before to them, and will give them a lot about English games.

This is my dream.


以上就是梦想英语作文带翻译的全部内容,1、I have a dream, a very different dream, that is when a boss.I admire Bill Gates, so I determined to be a boss like that, when a everyone respected. I want to make a lot of money, let mom and dad for me proud 翻译:我有一个梦想,一个很与众不同的梦想。
