
  • 老师同学
  • 2024-04-20







爱岗,意味着尊重和珍惜自己的选择,表现为对教育事业全身心投入和不悔的追求。敬业,就是对国家教育发展和学生成长有着强烈使命感和责任感,具体表现为对教育教学工作的认真负责、一丝不苟和精益求精。只有爱岗才能敬业。一个好的教师,应该把他的全部身心献给教育事业。爱岗敬业”就是淡泊名利、志存高远、奉献社会。用陶行知先生当年的话来说,就是 “捧着一颗心来,不带半根草去”的无私无畏精神。









一个好的英语老师,需要具备什么样的品质,让我们一起来揭晓答案。下面是我给大家带来怎样成为一个好老师英语 作文 ,供大家参阅!


An qualified teacher must have rich knowledge on his/her subject. Normally he or she graduates from an education college where he or she is trained both on education methodology and psychology. Apart from these advantages he or she has warm heart to students, and care about children. He or she knows how to deal with naughty kids and have good communication skill to talk to students.

Of course, if you are young, smart or pretty with high face value, you certainly attract your teenage students whoever are girls or boys.


What makes a good teacher? Many people, even students attending a teacher training college, think that being a teacher is an easy task. Moreover, our society believes that any person can become a teacher; But experience has shown that not anybody is capable of being a teacher. There are a lot of personality traits that are required to be a good one. First of all, a good teacher must have the necessary knowledge to teach his subject. Perhaps this item sounds as an obvious one, but there are cases in which students realise that their teacher is incapable of answering their questions. Consequently, a good teacher must brush up his knowledge to be prepared to clarify his student's doubts. Secondly, it is important that a teacher has a well - balanced personality. It is not easy to be in contact with students who differ greatly one from another. A good teacher should respect the different points of view of his students and not dismiss them. If so, the teacher will encourage his students to play an important part in the class, creating the necessary feedback. Thirdly, the sense of justice, especially while dealing with adolescents, is of prime importance. When a teacher takes a decision, it has to be applied to all the students in the course. Preferences should be avoided, due to the fact that injustice creates a feeling of resentment in the other students in the class. Accordingly, a good teacher has to have recourse to common sense to give all his students an egalitarian treatment no matter what their colour, thoughts or religious beliefs are. Another feature a teacher should have is to be helpful with his students. Sometimes students go through difficult situations, such as a relative death or their parents divorce, and need some help. A good teacher should listen to his students trying to be caring and supportive with them and advice them if necessary. This will show that the teacher is not a callous person and will help to improve the relationship between the teacher and his students. Finally, a good teacher must be demanding with his students. It has been shown that lenient teachers do not gain students' respect. On the contrary, students respect demanding teachers and remember them ever after finishing their studies. If a teacher is demanding, students do not have time on their hands to be unruly, because they have to work the whole class. This is the best way to be respected as a teacher.


Teaching is the greatest profession under the sun, because nothing is more important than education to a nation. Sometimes, it seems easy to be a teacher, but I always find it’s difficult, because only knowledge can’t make us a good teacher.


