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  • 情感
  • 2023-10-17



【 #英语谈猛资源#导语】感恩是一种生存智慧,是做人的道德底线,感受和感激他人恩惠的能力的成长,是一个人维护自己的内心含春桥安宁感和提高幸福充裕森埋感必不可少的心理能力。以下是 无 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


I often see such a public service advertisement on TV: a child carrying a basin of water said "Mom, wash your feet". I also have such a wish. Today is Thanksgiving Day. I want to take this opportunity to wash my mother's feet.

When I came back from school in the evening, I asked my mother to sit down. I brought a basin of water in front of my mother, felt the temperature with my hands, and adjusted the water temperature to ensure that it was neither cold nor hot. First, I helped my mother take off her socks, put her feet into the basin, and gently massage her toes with my little fingers. Then wash the dust on Mother's feet with a rag to wash away the fatigue of the day. Finally, I twisted the foot cloth dry, wiped my mother's feet, and helped my mother put on clean socks.

This is just a trivial thing I did for my mother. Now I can't help my mother share the pressure of life and work, but I think by washing my feet this time, I can make my mother feel comfortable and happy, and realize that I am growing up.

My mother said to me, "although this is only an activity of Thanksgiving, my mother hopes you can learn to be grateful from childhood, which is very important for your growth in the future.".


Snow falls without trace, true love is silent. Mother's love is always imperceptible. Like tasting coffee, you can only find it by careful taste.

On the eve of Thanksgiving, the lucky star composition training class assigned us a special assignment - washing our mother's feet, asking us to take videos or photos and send them to the group.

As soon as I heard the news, I began to look sad. I haven't washed my mother's feet since I was a child. What should I do? When I was thinking hard, I suddenly had a good idea.

On winter nights, my mother would bring me a basin of warm water to soak my feet. That day, when my mother wasn't paying attention, I took the basin. I pretended to be mysterious and said to my mother, "Mom, I'll surprise you and wash your feet once." my mother half believed and half doubted that she soaked her feet in the basin. I brought a small wooden chair to make my mother sit more comfortable. I rubbed my mother's feet first, then pinched my mother's feet, one, two, three... Finally, when I lifted up the water to wash my mother's feet, I suddenly found that there were many calluses, thick, hard and rough.

Looking at the calluses on the soles of my mother's feet, I think of my mother's transformation from her era to our new generation for so many years. It is precisely because my mother works hard day and night, gets up early and returns home at night, takes care of me and works hard that her feet become more and more rough. Mother is so hard, but she doesn't ask for any return. She just serves us in obscurity. At that moment, I understood the difficulty of my mother. I secretly decided to be filial to my mother and share more housework for her.

After washing her feet, her mother was very moved, and she smiled happily. Crystal tears flowed out.

Grateful heart, thank you for your company all the way. Every time I see the white hair on your head, my heart will fluctuate an unspeakable emotion. Thank you, mom! I wish all mothers in the world happiness and peace!


I think the favorite holiday is Thanksgiving.

On this day, we are all grateful to others. Some people will ask, "what are you grateful for? He hasn't helped me." I will tell him: not only those who have helped you can be grateful. We should not only appreciate everything in the world, but also love everyone, no matter who he is, whether you know him or not, no matter what kind of person he is, we should try to love. If you love everyone, you will be invincible in the world.

"Love everyone? It's too difficult!" "I can't do it." "there are some people I really hate." you can not love everyone, but you can't ignore what you tame. For example, in the classroom, students have tamed each other, so everything in the classroom is related to students. Students also love this classroom and regard it as their home, But there are always some people who don't love it and "destroy it". Littering in the classroom is an act of destroying it. At this time, it needs to be cleaned by the student on duty.

If the classroom is compared to the earth and the students to everyone, and the students on duty are cleaners, but their work is much more dangerous than daily life: if someone throws garbage in the middle of the road, they have to risk their lives to clean it there; Their work is much harder than their daily life: they must wake up when everyone is still dreaming, because they clean up the garbage at that time; They suffer much more than they eat raw every day: they have to clean a lot of places. Whether it's wind and rain or the sun is in the sky, they have to serve the world. They have suffered so much that some people not only don't thank them, but abuse them. Should they do all this? I thank you, cleaners.

In the classroom, there will be teachers, but some people don't like to invite a teacher, but a nanny. He will clean our classroom because it is too dirty and do everything that should be done by us. If we compare the classroom to a writer and the teacher is the mother, the teacher's teaching us knowledge is enough for us to be grateful, but he still does what we should do; Mother has given us life enough for us to be grateful, but she still works hard for our happiness, but we feel very normal, because we think it should be. Some people will blame mother because a meal doesn't taste good. What qualifications do we have! I thank you, mother.

There are many people in the world who silently contribute in an insignificant place. If what happens now is an excellent stage play, these people are "behind the scenes heroes". They make the stage play more wonderful! Of course, don't forget these excellent "actors" who made the stage play more successful. We should thank everyone.

If the world is full of love and gratitude, it will be better!


The clock ticks, as if to remind me that Thanksgiving is approaching minute by minute. At this moment, I am sitting by the classroom window, making a blessing card in my hand, looking at the raindrops flying outside the window, and thinking of you still running outside, will you get half wet like last time?

It's nice to say that only mother is good in the world. That afternoon after school, the sky was cloudless, clear and clean. Sister sunshine was emitting all her passion and heat. I do my homework in the classroom as usual. However, the weather is more changeable than me. After a rumble of thunder, the sky was covered with dark clouds and bean sized raindrops began to fall from the sky. Lei Gong roared. I also stopped my pen. I'm very depressed. You're going to take me to the movies tonight. Won't it be ruined?

I was anxious like an ant on a hot pot, fidgeting in the classroom. God didn't seem to hear my prayer, but the familiar voice still came from the corner, "son, let's go to the movies!" I was surprised and happy, so I almost jumped up. When I calmed down, I found that your face was covered with raindrops, your hair was disheveled, wet and pasted on your forehead, and most of the sneakers under your feet had already been wet... I felt very guilty. After hesitating for a few minutes, I looked at you blankly: "it's raining so hard, you see, you're wet, mom, why don't we still..."

The tone was so positive that you were already packing your schoolbag for me.

Along the way, despite the wind and rain, the rainstorm poured relentlessly on us. You moved your umbrella to me again and again, pulling my arm more powerful. Looking at your half wet body, I was moved to a mess. It seems that an angel with golden light is beside me.

Thinking of this, I wrote a few words on my card: wind and rain, you accompany me, I'm old and have children!


Not long ago, when I was alone at home, I took out my leisure to find out the album. I found that my mother's love was accompanied by the film in the process of my growth

Maternal love is the most selfless and great. Her pay is the tenderness of spring breeze, the glow of summer, the attachment to bamboo on the moon night, and the conversation between the sunrise and the grass in winter.

I still remember that the day before the beginning of school this year, I began to carefully check my homework. Now the author is as heavy as a boulder. When I got to an action, I was stunned. I didn't do a job to print, and I stopped suddenly. I thought nervously, "don't be found by my mother, just muddle through!" my firm confidence appeared in front of me. My mother seemed to know my mind: "are you short of a content?" when I heard my mother's doubt, my firmness was suddenly thrown out of the sky, and I still pretended to support calmly and didn't admit my mistake. My mother said earnestly: "learning is a rigorous thing. It's also a virtue not to be so careless. Being serious is also a virtue!" "who said that an inch of grass heart will repay the three spring rays!" Mother's love is always so timely and deep.

And I should be grateful.

When Thanksgiving came, I held the card in my hand and said excitedly, "Mom, today is Thanksgiving. Thank you for your efforts. This is the card I sent you, and my heart is written on it!" my mother was surprised, and then her eyes twinkled with stars and gently hugged me: "thank you, son, you are my mother's gift!" I felt very warm and moved, I also feel the taste of gratitude, as sweet as honey

On this day, I know how to be grateful!

Thank my mother for providing me with a stage to display; Thank my mother for giving me endless support and strength; Thank your mother for providing light and heat; Thanks to my mother, let me have a bright mood and bright future in the brilliance of the day


When Thanksgiving is coming, what I want to be grateful for most is my mother. She raised me, helped me with my homework every day, and cleaned the house. She is like a teacher, paying attention to me all the time.

Once, I had a fever at night. She took care of me day and night. She fed me water, took my temperature and wiped my face with a towel... She didn't sleep all night. It was very hard. She took me to the hospital during the day.

In normal life, my mother works outside every day. She is not willing to spend every minute of her money. She keeps it to buy me clothes, delicious food and school district room.

My wish is that one day, I can be talented and let my mother enjoy all the glory and wealth because of my success. My mother is the person who loves me most and I love most!

Mother is a gift from God. Each of us should cherish, love and thank her. So I want to say to all my mothers, "Mom, you've worked hard, and we'll love you forever!"


I think the favorite holiday is Thanksgiving.

On this day, we are all grateful to others. Some people will ask, "what are you grateful for? He hasn't helped me." I will tell him: not only those who have helped you can be grateful. We should not only appreciate everything in the world, but also love everyone, no matter who he is, whether you know him or not, no matter what kind of person he is, we should try to love. If you love everyone, you will be invincible in the world.

"Love everyone? It's too difficult!" "I can't do it." "there are some people I really hate." you can not love everyone, but you can't ignore what you tame. For example, in the classroom, students have tamed each other, so everything in the classroom is related to students. Students also love this classroom and regard it as their home, But there are always some people who don't love it and "destroy it". Littering in the classroom is an act of destroying it. At this time, it needs to be cleaned by the student on duty.

If the classroom is compared to the earth and the students to everyone, and the students on duty are cleaners, but their work is much more dangerous than daily life: if someone throws garbage in the middle of the road, they have to risk their lives to clean it there; Their work is much harder than their daily life: they must wake up when everyone is still dreaming, because they clean up the garbage at that time; They suffer much more than they eat raw every day: they have to clean a lot of places. Whether it's wind and rain or the sun is in the sky, they have to serve the world. They have suffered so much that some people not only don't thank them, but abuse them. Should they do all this? I thank you, cleaners.

In the classroom, there will be teachers, but some people don't like to invite a teacher, but a nanny. He will clean our classroom because it is too dirty and do everything that should be done by us. If we compare the classroom to a writer and the teacher is the mother, the teacher's teaching us knowledge is enough for us to be grateful, but he still does what we should do; Mother has given us life enough for us to be grateful, but she still works hard for our happiness, but we feel very normal, because we think it should be. Some people will blame mother because a meal doesn't taste good. What qualifications do we have! I thank you, mother.

There are many people in the world who silently contribute in an insignificant place. If what happens now is an excellent stage play, these people are "behind the scenes heroes". They make the stage play more wonderful! Of course, don't forget these excellent "actors" who made the stage play more successful. We should thank everyone.

If the world is full of love and gratitude, it will be better!


The annual Thanksgiving is coming. I want to do something for my parents. Well, I have! I can help mom and dad. Fold the quilt!I immediately went to the bed and folded it again and again. Finally, I folded it. Looking at the quilt like tofu, I felt very satisfied.

After doing this, I quietly hid aside to see how my parents reacted.

Mother came over. He came to do the last housework - folding quilts. When my mother saw that the quilt had been folded, she was surprised and puzzled. She asked my father, "is this your quilt?" my father's father-in-law and two monks were confused: "I didn't go to the bed. How can I fold the quilt?" "yes." my mother said, "it's not you. Who is that?" I ran out excitedly and said to my parents: "I folded it! Mom and Dad, happy Thanksgiving!" Mom and Dad were surprised and happy. They kept praising me as "good boy", which made me feel strange and embarrassed.


Thanksgiving is coming. I took out the greeting card I made myself and gave it to my mother.

The greeting card is rectangular, pink, and there are five strip-shaped lattices with different colors of Star paper.

Open the card and it says: Happy Thanksgiving, mom. Another warning: you can't send it to a circle of friends. Sending it is a slap in the face. Because once I wrote a note to my mother, she thought it was very funny, so she secretly photographed it and sent it to her circle of friends while I was away. Luo Zixi of our class saw it and began to laugh at me as soon as he got to school. Hey, mom, it's true. I can't make a fool of myself this time.

I gave the card to my mother. She opened the card and looked at it carefully. Then she looked up and said with a smile, "thank you, baby. As long as you obey, mom will be happy."

After hearing this, I lowered my head and thought silently, "I will not let you down."


This Thanksgiving, I made "diced fruit" for my parents at home, which I just learned from the children's program.

I first took a red tomato and dug out the pulp bit by bit with a spoon. The rest turned into a small red bowl. It's so cute! I also prepared apples, kiwi fruit and bananas. Then came kiwi fruit and banana. When cutting kiwi fruit, the green juice splashed on my face and dyed me a "little flower cat". I secretly licked my face, but it was so sweet! Next comes bananas. Bananas are not as naughty as kiwifruit. They don't have so much trouble. After a while, all the ingredients were ready. The most critical time has come. In this step, honey and sugar are used. I use a small spoon to put the diced fruit into the small tomato bowl bit by bit, then sprinkle the sugar and pour the honey in. My diced fruit is finally ready!

I put a small tomato bowl on a plate and brought it to my parents. My father was surprised and asked me, "did you make it yourself?" "of course!" I replied proudly. "Thank you, baby!" Mom and Dad were very happy.

Mom and dad said that the diced fruit I made is well done and tastes sweet. I think so too. I hope next year's Thanksgiving is as sweet as today!


【 #英语资源#导语】下面是 无 !


There is an strange old man who lives near my house. He doesn’t talk much and likes to hang around in the living zone. One day, I saw he searching for something and I was very curious to ask him. He said he was looking for the key. The next day, a boy came to thank the old man for helping him find the key. I find the old man is a nice person.我隔壁住着一个奇怪的老人。他话不多培桥虚,喜欢在小区里闲逛。有一天,我看到他在寻东西,我很好奇,就问他了。他说他在找钥匙。第二天,一个男孩来感谢老人帮他找到钥匙。我发现那位老人原来是个好人。


Life is full of competitions. When we are at school, we always want to be the most excellent student and win teachers’ praise. When we work, we not only need to compete with our co-workers, but also need to beat other companies for more profit. The rivals are everywhere, which help us to be stronger. 生活充满了竞争。


【 #英语资源#导语】感恩游毕是用一颗充满爱的心来感受,是用一颗宽广的心来体会,敬搭使用一颗感谢的心来对待。以下是 无 整理的内容,希望对您有所帮助。


Gratitude is a virtue. There are too many things in the world to be grateful for.

First of all, I would like to thank the farmer uncle, just as the poem said, "One grain of millet is planted in spring, and ten thousand seeds are harvested in autumn.". It is they who use their hard sweat to make us eat rich food!

Secondly, I want to be grateful for the sunshine. Because the sun shines warmly on the earth, it allows all plants to thrive, increases more oxygen in the world, and makes our life more fresh!

Then, I would like to thank the scientists, who have developed various tools and circuits, which can make people no longer light the torch; The airplane, it can let us fly freely in the once mysterious sky

Next, I would like to thank my parents, which is also the most important. It is they who let me come to this world and take care of me every day, regardless of spending money for me. One day, I will let them enjoy themselves!

Finally, I would like to say a word: "Thanksgiving is a virtue, let's learn to be grateful!"


Thanksgiving is something everyone should learn.

First of all, we should learn to be grateful to our parents. It is our parents who gave us bright eyes, let us observe the world, gave us hardworking hands, let us create the world, gave us smart brains, let us create... It is our parents who gave us precious life, so should we also repay our parents with sincere filial piety? For example, when parents come home, we pour them a cup of tea and make them a sumptuous dinner

Secondly, we should also thank the teachers who taught us knowledge. The teacher has taught me a lot of knowledge, so that we can become educated teenagers. Teachers love us more than their children. At school, we should study hard and repay our teachers with excellent results.

Then we should also be grateful to the nature, which has given us blue sky, silver grey earth and green grassland... We should also protect the environment, not litter, but use environmental protection bags... But we should protect the nature with a heart of conservation.

Finally, everyone should learn to be grateful. If everyone gives a grateful heart, the world will become a better place.


After reading the book "Learn to be grateful", I learned the truth of Yongquan newspaper. Let me feel the world's sour, sweet, bitter, hot, evil and kind, happy and sad.

In this world, we enjoy gifts from relatives, teachers, lovers, colleagues, bosses and customers. Even setbacks and failures are created by ourselves.

When we have a grateful heart, we will have a seed of peace. Gratitude is not a simple reply, but a spiritual realm of self-reliance, self-respect and the pursuit of sunshine.

After reading, I finally fully understand the truth of Yongquan Newspaper. We should be grateful to others for their help. Help us when I am in trouble. So we should thank others. When we help others, we should not ask for return. After reading "Learn to be grateful", I understood the true meaning of life. We should understand the wisdom of life and harvest a different life.

Let us always have a heart of gratitude to thank the little things in life, which will let us gain more.


Everyone has their own parents, who love their children, and my parents also love me.

When I was young, although our family was not rich, my parents tried their best to satisfy me. They always gave me the food at home. Among the children in our school, I had the most toys, but I repeatedly contradicted my nagging mother, always wanted to break away from my father's ties, and did not know how to thank them at all.

Now I have grown up slowly, and gradually realized the hard work of my parents. I try to learn to be grateful, share the pressure of life for my parents, and try to support a corner of the family as a small pillar of the family.

Last year, on Women's Day, my mother was tired for a day. I remembered my promise to do something for my mother during the festival. Just before going to bed late, I saw a public service advertisement for washing my mother's feet. So I called a pot of hot foot washing water and brought it to my mother's face to wash her feet to help her relieve fatigue.

My father is a heavy smoker. My mother tried to persuade him to quit smoking many times, but he never listened. I tried to help my mother, but failed many times. This semester, we are going to write a composition about talking, and I want to use this opportunity to help my father quit smoking. I moved my father thoroughly with my words from the bottom of my heart and tears on my homework. From then on, except that he had to smoke as a guest, Dad never smoked again.


People often say that you should be grateful for everything that has helped you. A smile of encouragement and a word of comfort can make people feel happier than ever before.

We should thank them for the spiritual encouragement and comfort they gave us when they were alone. We should even thank them for their existence, which has created the world and made us feel the warm beauty! Perhaps, some people will think that the world does not need to be grateful. It is enough to manage your own life and what others do. On the contrary, we don't have to thank others. Isn't it a saving effort?

However, this world is so nostalgic because it has warmth and gratitude. People help each other, the world will have today's magnificent. Let's learn to be grateful and say "thank you" to everyone.

Then, instead of losing anything, you will get more people's affirmation and praise! Know how to be grateful and learn to "thank you"!


Gratitude is an eternal topic, and gratitude is a virtue that everyone should have, because only when everyone is grateful, can we find the world is so perfect and life is so happy.

We should be grateful to our parents. Parents are always concerned about our growth, our health, our study and life. When we are ready to go to school, can you hear the warm and kind words from your parents: "Look at the car when crossing the road, and study hard at school..."?

We should be grateful to our teachers. The teacher's guidance has turned us from ignorance to erudition. The teacher moistens and dries up like water, paves the road for us like stones, warms our hearts like the sun, caresses our cheeks like the warm spring wind, burns himself like a candle to illuminate others, and sows knowledge like a gardener.

Gratitude is a noble virtue, and everyone should learn to be grateful. If everyone faces life with gratitude, they can find the source of happiness. Come on! Let everyone on the earth have a grateful heart and learn to be grateful!


What is the most precious emotion in the world? It is maternal love. It is our parents who gave us life and brought us to this beautiful world. Without the love and careful cultivation of parents, there would be no us now. Maternal love is great. She is willing to selflessly pay for her children, even pay her life, and her mother never complains. Motherly love is indestructible and powerful. Mother is like the soil that protects flowers. We are flowers moistened by soil. It is the fertile soil that nourishes the flowers. Mothers are like burning candles. We are children illuminated by candles. Unknown candles give children hope.

My mother makes money to make me live better. Mom is very tired when she comes home every night and can't lie in bed. She doesn't want to move. When I learned that my mother ran around the restaurant every day and worked hard, I decided to pinch my mother's feet as a reward. I know my mother's kindness to me, and I can't repay her in my life. I must do my duty as a child to repay my mother. I gently put my mother's foot on my leg, and I gently pinched her foot, and soon she fell asleep sweetly.

Maternal love is great and selfless. Everyone should be filial to his parents. Here, I want to say to my mother: "I love you!"


One beautiful spring Sunday, I was reading on the balcony. I was deeply attracted by the story of Meng Mu's Three Movements. The story is about Mencius' mother, who was very poor, moved to her home three times for Mencius to study in a good environment. She first moved from the cemetery to the market, and then moved to a school. Because of Mencius' selfless love, Mencius became a great scholar later.

In retrospect, what's wrong with my mother! I remember one time, my mother had to work late to go home, and my father was not at home, but I couldn't do one homework problem, so I had to wait until my mother came back to teach me. I waited and waited. My mother finally came back. As soon as she entered the door, I found her very tired. I think she must be very tired, but my mother still explained to me patiently, again and again, until I understood.


Everyone has a heart of thanksgiving, because thanksgiving will have this colorful society, because thanksgiving will have sincere friendship. Thanks to gratitude, we understand the value of life

No sunshine, no warmth; Without water, there is no life; Without parents, we have no ourselves; Without family and friendship, the world will be lonely and dark. In order to get rid of it, we need to know how to be grateful and have a grateful heart.

Gratitude comes from the heart. As the saying goes, "The kindness of dripping water should be rewarded by the spring". What's more, parents, relatives and friends pay for us is not only a drop of water, but also a vast ocean. Do you give your parents a cup of warm tea after they are tired, hand them a home-made card on their birthday, and offer a word of comfort when they are lost? They have devoted their efforts and energy to us. How can we remember their birthday, experience their tiredness, and whether we are aware of the strands of silver and wrinkles. Gratitude needs your heart to understand and repay.

Look at all the people around you with a grateful heart. Gratitude to those who hurt you, it is they who have honed your will. Be grateful to those who encourage you. It is they who make you confident. Be grateful to those who have given you knowledge. It is they who have illuminated your way forward. Be grateful to those who have nurtured you. It is they who have fed you well.


Gratitude is an attitude to life, a state of mind, and a philosophy of life. Gratitude is a way to be a person. We should learn to know, be grateful, and repay kindness. Everyone should always have a heart of gratitude. We should be grateful for ourselves, others, and the society. It is impossible to be smooth in life. Everyone will encounter all kinds of setbacks, which requires us to face bravely and deal with broad-minded. We should be grateful for life and all that life has given us!

Thackeray, a British writer, said: "Life is a mirror. When you laugh, it also smiles; when you cry, it also cries." Life needs a grateful heart to create, and a grateful heart needs life to nourish. It is precisely because life requires us to face it with a grateful attitude that we know the meaning of life. A person who knows how to be grateful will turn gratitude into a positive motivation; A person who knows how to be grateful will take gratitude as his life creed; A person who knows how to be grateful will regard gratitude as a spiritual realm of sunny life! Learn to be grateful, learn to understand and give love, and learn to embrace life with a broad mind. If your heart changes, your attitude will change; When attitudes change, habits change; Habit changes, character changes; Character changes, life changes! May the grateful heart change our attitude, may the sincere attitude drive our habits, may good habits sublimate our character, and may the healthy personality harvest our beautiful life!


【 #英语资源#导语】在平日的学习、工作和生活里,大家都经常接触到作文吧,作文是从内部言语向外部言语的过渡,即从经过压缩族洞饥的简要的、自己能明白的语言,向开展的、具有规范语法结构的、能为他人所理解的外部语言形式的转化。那么,怎么去写作文呢?以下是 考 网为大家精心整理的内容,颤拿欢迎大家阅读。


"Mother" are two common words that can no longer be used, but they are written in my heart and engraved in my bones!

When I get home, how can there be delicious food waiting for me on the table? Who did it for me? When I am sick, there is always someone in bed with me and cry for me. Who is he? Who gave me a quilt when I was sleeping? When you feel scared, who will give you support and comfort to sleep? It's her! It's our mother!

I remember once I asked my mother, "why do you pay so much for us silently?" My mother only said one sentence: "because you are my child!" the voice just fell. Tears ran down my face. Mother's words hurt the hearts of all mothers in the world. Think it over. Yes, mother taught us not to covet anything, just because we are their children, that's all.

Looking at my mother's weather beaten face, new wrinkles and tired appearance, I really want to say: Mom, mom, you work very hard! sit back! I can do all the work at home. Let me do it. Don't spoil us any more! "

Children from all over the world, please listen to my advice. Pat your mother on the back, rub your shoulders and say it in the most sincere voice. Mom, thank you for your hard work! "

My mother has paid so much for us without complaint or regret. Let's think about a question: what do we give our mother?

The word "mother" is very common, but she is sacred and glorious. Let it be engraved in my bones and heart forever! I have no regrets.


Our parents are our first teachers. They teach us to talk, walk, eat and learn to be human. It's all about parents. Parents are our first enlightenment teachers.

From the moment we remember, if we have any grievances, sad and sad things, we will tell our parents and wait for their comfort. When we encounter failure, our parents encourage us and comfort us: "don't lose heart, this is the first time, we must do it well next time!" Such words came into our ears, let us have enough confidence to face it, try it, again and again, we finally succeeded. It is precisely because we have the company of our parents on the long road of life that we will thrive. Father and mother, it is because of you that I will overcome all kinds of difficulties and move towards success.

When we were young, after being bullied, who wouldn't let us be bullied again? When we came home tired from school, who made us a bowl of hot and delicious rice? Thank you, mom and dad. It is because of your care, care and love along the hard way that we can achieve today's results. It is because of you along the way that I am not afraid of failure and difficulties, and overcome all kinds of difficulties again and again.

With your care along the way, I am no longer a child before. I have become strong and have the courage to overcome difficulties.


Ah, this man is a mother; Ah, this person is my mother. This person gave me life and gave me a home... "Every time I hear this song, the greatness of maternal love springs up in my mind, as if everything in the world is so small in front of maternal love that the world can't feel their existence.

The selflessness of maternal love cannot be described clearly in words. Every mother is a great man. After October pregnancy and finally experiencing the pain of death, we have our life; What we have achieved today. And behind which success there is no mother's patient guidance and hard work.

Maternal love is even greater. I remember seeing a true story in a book. His mother was busy selling things, and his six-year-old son was playing on the track behind him. Suddenly, a train came. The mother first thought that her son was in danger. She was six or seven meters away from her son. Seeing that the train was about to pass, she saw that the mother rushed to her son at a "flying" speed and held her son in her arms. The people present were surprised, so what force was the mother rushing to her son. But before they could think about it, they rushed to save their mother and son. It turned out that the son was safe and sound, but the mother was not spared.

Maternal love is holy. Nothing is purer than maternal love.


People often say that mother is selfless, maternal love is warm... And a song praising mother - only mother is good in the world.

One summer night, the weather was very hot. When I was too hot to sleep, I woke up and found that my mother was fanning me. My sweat wet my mother's clothes, but my mother still fanned me. My mother's love was a cool wind when I was hot in summer. I only knew that my mother was sometimes good and sometimes bad. I just thought it was good at that time. Before, I didn't know how strong my mother's love was. I didn't understand how difficult it was to be a mother and how great it was to be a mother until I was promoted to the fifth grade.


The teacher gave us a piece of noodles. Let's make cookies and look like what we want to do. It's best not to be too thick, or we won't bake well. As soon as I got it, I was silly and thought: it's easy to do what I want to do, but don't be too thick and troublesome! I sat and thought, thinking and doing it. I made a round cookie, but it was not round at all. It looked very strange; Another five pointed star was made. After pinching it, it was not just five pointed stars, but hexagonal and hexagonal; I made a shape casually. I saw it was too high and thick, it was not cooked, and I pinched it again ----- in short, I came up with countless kinds of shapes, pinched many kinds of shapes, and denied many kinds of shapes. I want to see other people's and get some inspiration from them. At first glance, there are five pointed stars, smiling faces, windmills, villains and... There are all kinds of looks, but I am not inspired at all. Suddenly, an idea came into my mind: how about making cookies volcanic?

It's easy to do and blessed. It's easy to do, because it's good to pull out a round head on a surface with a round bottom and poke a hole in the round head; The blessing is: I wish my mother as much happiness as the eruption of a volcano. Well, now that I've thought about it, I'll start doing it. I did it in the way I wanted. It's not flat, but it doesn't matter, because Yamamoto is not flat; I made a few like this, gave them to the teacher and put them in the oven

Finally, I gave my mother the biscuits I made to repay my mother's kindness in raising me for nearly ten years. My mother tasted it and said: Well, it's done well!




Unconsciously already say goodbye to the happy childhood, towards the high school stage. Parents gave me again and again to encourage, make me to irresponsible parents after the examination, leading the way, have again and again.

Parents sometimes also very strict. On one occasion, my brother and I yell bloody murder to a toy, I know is wrong, but I still rakes. After the event, parents criticized the my meal, I also know my fault.

Our parents biological I repay you, parents strict teachings I bear in my mind, it is parents' strict teachings, hard and selfless paying that I took to the road of the upright, on the road.

In this, please allow me to solemnly say to my parents, mom and dad, you were laborious, thank you!


