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  • 自然
  • 2024-09-02

开放日英语作文?Today is the open day of our school Language and Art Festival, we are so happy that you can come here to appreciate our talent show.今天,是学校语言艺术节的开放日,您们来看我们的才艺表演,我们的心里是多么高兴啊。那么,开放日英语作文?一起来了解一下吧。


Today is the open day of our school Language and Art Festival, we are so happy that you can come here to appreciate our talent show.今天,是学校语言艺术节的开放日,您们来看我们的才艺表演,我们的心里是多么高兴啊。Here is the principal to open our Language.现在由校长来主持我们语言节开幕式。Every Tuesday it's our school open day. On that day students' parents can go to our class to observe our class.每个星期二是我们的学校开放日,在那天学生家长们可以来我们班里听课。可以吗?不懂追问,谢谢!


My school day

Hi!I am Zhang Luyan.I am thirteen years old.I go to Peijie Middle School in Tianjin,China.This is my school day.

I get up at six o’clock.I go to school at seven o’clock and I go to school by car.I always eat breakfast on the car.

Lessons start in the moring at half past seven.We have five lessons in the morning.At twenty to ten we have a break.We go to the playground and do exercise or running.

Our lessons over at fifteen to twelve and we have lunch.We have a midday rest at twelve forty.At one forty the midday rest is over.

The lessons start in the afternoon at two o’clock.We have four lessons in the afternoon.At twenty to four we also have a break and I talk to my friend.I often go to the playground with them.

I go to home at six o’clock.I eat supper at seven o’clock.I do my homework at half past seven.I go to bed at twelve o’clock.

This is my school day.

Open day at my school

Every morning I go to school by bike.I have 7 lessons a day. I learn seven subjects, such as English, Chinese, Maths,Geography, History, Physical Education and so on.All the teachers in our school work very hard. They do their best to help us with our studies. We are busy having lessons in the morning.At noon, we can borrow different kinds of books from the library. Sometimes we are allowed to.

When there's an open day at my school. The parents of the students come to the school and join the school life of their children's.They could listen to the classes, visit the school,talk with the teachers.... We students feel very excited cause the look on our parents' faces. How about our teachers?Maybe theyare very happy, maybe a littlenervous.But we could see their happy faces all days.Woo,i think it's a nice day. Family adn school, children, teachers and parents, Nice looks and happy faces, all the things make us happy. I like the open day.

回答者: 528292888 - 二级 2010-10-26 19:06


the school Open Day Today is our school open day.As you can see,our school is fairly beautiful.All the classroom are clean and tidy. If you walk through our school,you can see some tall trees that are planted at both side of the path. You can also see the painting by us in the corridor on both sides of the wall. All the students are proud of them. In a word,welcome to our school!It won`t let you down.By the way,I will guide you to catch beautiful view.


The School Open Day Today is Tom and Mary’s School Open Day.They are the guides of school.And they should lead the way to the visitors.The school is very beautiful today.There are seven floors in the school building.There are many people come to the school.But they don’t know the way where they should go.They have to ask the guides.The man asks to Mary:“Excuse me.Where’s the art room,please?” Mary answers gently:“It’s on the second floor,on the right.”The woman says:“Excuse me.Where are the toilets,please?”Tom says:“They’re on the ground floor,on the left.” Tom and Mary are very polite and fidelity.They try their best to lead the way. Of course the visitors are very happy.They like the service very much.


When there's an open day at my school. The parents of the students come to the school and join the school life of their children's.They could listen to the classes, visit the school,talk with the teachers.... We students feel very excited cause the look on our parents' faces. How about our teachers?Maybe theyare very happy, maybe a littlenervous.But we could see their happy faces all days.Woo,i think it's a nice day. Family adn school, children, teachers and parents, Nice looks and happy faces, all the things make us happy. I like the open day.

以上就是开放日英语作文的全部内容,and to strengthen parents' connection with the school. Nearly 200 parents listened to lessons in the classrooms on the day. They accessed teachers' teaching and the school management directly. 为了使学生的学习和生活在学校知道他们的父母,柳州21中学举行了一次开放日的教学于12月5日。
