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  • 叙事作文
  • 2024-04-24

校园拒绝零食英语作文?问题:急需一篇英语作文,以校学生会的名义晚上校园拒绝零食为主题写给全校学生的一封倡议书 以校学生会的名义晚上校园拒绝零食为主题写给全校学生的一封倡议书。 要有以下内容 目前学校里吃零食现象很严重,那么,校园拒绝零食英语作文?一起来了解一下吧。


“校园拒绝零食”为主题的英语作文?的答案: Be seen everywhere on campus students to eat snacks. Once we have this in class, the teacher referred to a student up to answer questions, the students would suddenly fainted. The teacher immediately took him to the infirmary, after inspection is harmful to eat some snacks before making this. Just read the disease returned, the teacher said: "You can not eat snacks, and perspective, students into the case. After seeing to eat snacks, go out corporal punishment. Know?"


Be seen everywhere on campus students to eat snacks. Once we have this in class, the teacher referred to a student up to answer questions, the students would suddenly fainted. The teacher immediately took him to the infirmary, after inspection is harmful to eat some snacks before making this. Just read the disease returned, the teacher said: "You can not eat snacks, and perspective, students into the case. After seeing to eat snacks, go out corporal punishment. Know?"


Say No to Junk Food!

Junk food is unhealthy, has no nutritional value and can lead to obesity and other diseases. It's waste of money, too. Let us form good healthy eating habbit. Say No to Junk Food!


nowadays the phenomenon of eating snacks is very serious .some students pay a lot of money for snacks everyday .eating snacks is a bad habit of wasting . and a largemostof sncks is not healthy food . people will be easy to be fat by eating snacks , and somepeople will be ill by junkfood .and also it's bad for our environment .do you konw why ? because many syudents throw the wrapper everywhere . as a high school student ,we should keep a good eating habit .


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