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  • 作文素材
  • 2023-08-09




Born in Huaining County, Anhui Province on June 25, 1924, he is a scholar's family. In 1935, he was admitted to Zhicheng middle school. During his study, he was deeply influenced by the patriotic salvation movement.

After the fall of Peiping in 1937, he secretly attended the Anti Japanese party. Later, under the arrangement of his father Deng Yizhe, he went to Kunming with his elder sister and was admitted to the Department of physics of southwest United University in 1941.

From 1948 to 1950, he studied in Purdue University and got his Ph.D. in physics. When he graduated, he resolutely returned home. Deng Jiaxian is the main organizer and leader of China's nuclear weapons research and development.

Deng Jiaxian has always been in the front line of China's weapons manufacturing, led many scholars and technicians, successfully designed China's atomic bomb and hydrogen bomb, and led China's defense self-defense weapons to the advanced level in the world.

He won the first prize of the National Natural Science Award in 1982 and was elected as a member of the academic department of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1980. In 1985, he won two national science and technology progress awards.

1986 national labor model, 1987 and 1989 National Science and technology progress awards. in 1999, he was awarded "two bombs and one star Merit Medal".

Because of his great contribution to the cause of China's nuclear science, he is known as the "two bombs" champion.Deng Jiaxian died in Beijing on July 29, 1986 at the age of 62 after suffering from rectal cancer due to nuclear radiation.




楼主如果要的是"简"历差告, 我这虚宴明里提供一篇来自 New York Times 杂志的文章,更加言简意赅,同时是以美国人的视角来祥老描述邓稼先的:

Deng Jiaxian, a physicist educated in the United Sates was instrumental in developing China's atomic and hydrogen bombs.

Mr. Deng, who was born in the southern province of Anhui in 1924, graduated from the physics department of China's Southwest Associated University in 1945.

In 1948, he went to the United States to study and received a doctorate in physics, the New China News Agency said. It did not say where he studied in the United States. He returned to China in 1950 and did pioneering work in China's nuclear theoretical research.


Love your work so it can be fun, interesting, and challenging. Here is how to do it.

Start with a positive attitude. Developing the right attitude towards work makes it much easier to accept and do it. It minimizes fatigue because your mind and your heart is set into it. Convince yourself, nothing good will come out if you fret and do nothing about it.

Put interest into it. Once you have the enthusiasm, it becomes easy to start things. Then everything will follow smoothly. Remember, interest can always be cultivated. Start thinking that it is something worth doing. Think that you can do it and learn from it.

Create the right ambiance when you do the work. Perhaps you can do it in a place where you are most comfortable, in a clean and refreshing surrounding. Or you can have a friend or family member to help you. This keeps you from being bored. It can also be fun. Or you can have music to inspire you as you work.

Be creative. You can think of work as play. Plan on how it can be in the form of play that is not fun be a challenge as well.

Always think that at the end of the work, there is something that you have accomplished. This makes you feel proud that you are worth not only as a person but a responsible member of your family.




Deng Jiaxian was born in Huaining County, Anhui Province in 1924. He is a member of the Communist Party of China and a nuclear physicist.


He was a member of the academic department of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.


He graduated from the Department of physics of southwest United University in 1945 and later taught in Beijing.


In 1948, he went to Purdue University to study in the Department of physics.




Looking at history, countless emperors and princes, scholars and business elites may have different "positions", but their enthusiasm for their own "career" is the same. Therefore, loving the work they are engaged in is very important to a person's success or failure.


Deng Jiaxian, the "two bombs", also has unlimited love for his work. In order to work, he resolutely bid farewell to his wife and children, and entered the Gobi Desert, where the sand and stones are flying, often appearing in the front line at the most critical and dangerous time;


Because he loves his work, he insists on attending meetings even if he suffers from illness. In this regard, Deng Jiaxian did not feel tired, but was proud that his work could contribute to the country.


