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  • 2023-10-03

城市生活英语作文?and there are more modern conveniences in cities for people to enjoy.有些人喜欢生活在城市,因为城市生活有很多好处.人们认为有更多的就业机会,在城市生活比乡村更丰富多彩、那么,城市生活英语作文?一起来了解一下吧。


作文题:city life versus ciuntry life Some people prefer to live in big cities,while others in the country--in a small town or village. With the development of industry, more and more pollution is coming out in cities. Citizens have to put up with noise, harmful smoke and dirt. The air is not clean enough for people, especially in the downtown areas. The majority of citizens are tired of overcrowded conditions and bad environments. But in the country, the condition is obviously different. It is pleasant to live with green mountains, clear springs and grand plains. Blue sky, green trees, red sunsets and golden crops. Wow! What a lovely picture! So at present, more and more citizens are eager to escape from the city. What are the differences between city life and country life? When we talk about the city life, we will surely think of tall build-ings, busy streets, flourishing bussinesses and a great many ad-vanced pieces of equipment. What about the country life? The first feeling coming into our minds is peace and quiet. In the country-side , people live a quiet life. They have less noise and pollution than people who live in the city.In my opinion,I'd rather live in the country,where I can breathe fresh air and eat fresh fruit and vegetables.In a small village I get to know everyone.It's like living in an extended family where you can relax and feel at home. 仅供参考!!


Many people are wondering what the future city will look like. If I were to look into my crystal ball, what I would see is that future cities will be clean, green and full of optimism and hope.

The city of the future will be cleaner and greener because of solar and hydrogen energy. Elevated hydrogen trains (Hyrail) will be powered by solar energy that electrolyzes water for fuel cells. This electricity will power MagLev Hyrail trains.

Also running through future cities will be, at ground level, hydrogen fuel cell trains (or Hydrail). While Hyrail will most typically be passenger trains, hauling people around the future cities, Hydrail will be using the power of hydrogen fuel cells to haul cargo inside and outside of town.

The future cities of America and elsewhere will also be heavily equipped with solar panels. There will be photovoltaic panels on the rooftops on almost every building and the windows of each building will double as solar panels as well.

And, of course what would a future city be without a future car for every driver? These future cars will run on hydrogen, electricity, biofuels and even air. There may even be a few future flying cars that sail above traffic during rush hour. Thing Jetson or Flux Capacitor, then think again. Prototypes are here now.

Einstein Cities ...

In the cities of the future, every building will have smart technology. The smart technology will distribute and conserve energy through the building where it is needed most. Also, many buildings using solar energy will produce more electricity than they consume. They will be tied into the smart grid, selling power back and the smart grid will redistribute the energy in sections of the state and country where it is needed most.

The future city will also be inhabited with huge balloons filled with algae the produce hydrogen. This hydrogen will then either be run through stationary fuel cells to provide energy or be used as fuel for cars.

City life in the future will be a bit different than it is today. Future phones and laptops will have merged into small hybrids with WiFi everywhere and VoIP the standard for carrying voice and video data.

Life in the future city will have people even more plugged in than they are today. Virtual conferencing using virtual reality will be standard.

Future robots will have taken over the many tasks. The Honda ASIMO robot will be in a Tech Museum right downtown. Other kinds of robots will inhabit thefuture home.

People will only travel for vacation as the need to travel for business will be eliminated with the virtual business world. And for people who do want to go on vacation will do so either on supersonic jets or Maglev bullet trains.

The typical future city will also be filled with people using jetpacks instead of driving their own vehicles or in addition to their vehicles. Fuel grade hydrogen peroxide will power these jetpacks that only emit water vapor and will be able to travel for miles before refueling.

Nano Tech Cities ...

This vision of what the future cities will look like is all based upon emerging technology that is available now. This emerging technology of course has to be refined, downsized in many cases and of production quality. Look for nanotechnology to have taken over in many fields.

The future city will be a bright, hopeful place filled with green energy, interconnectivity and applied virtual reality.




There are many difference between the living conditions of people in a city and in the countryside. Life in the countryside seems to offer much closeness to Nature and among people, but to me, living in a city is obviously more colorful and fulfilling. In a city, one can usually find many interesting places such as museums and parks to go and see, while in the countryside the places one can go to are limited. Another major differences are that of going to school. A city usually has many good schools, where teachers are of high level and teaching facilities are advanced, which in turn can train high-level students. But in the countryside, teaching conditions are low so that the number of students who can go to college is small. An equally important contrast is the variation of shopping facilities. In a city anyone can shop around until they buy what they are satisfied. For examplae, if you want to buy an overcoat, there are many shopping centers you can go to where you can select and bargain. In the countryside, as there are much fewer shopping facilities, people do not have the choice in the first place. On the whole, life in a city has many advantage over that in the countryside.


在大城市生活有利也有弊,若是遇到这样的英语 作文 我们如何写呢?下面我为大派蔽家带来城市毁枝生活利弊英语作文范文,欢迎大家参考!


Do you want to live in the city or the country?

I like to live in the country that the sun rises in the morning with the first golden light & the first sound from the cock.. All the animals & plants begin their life from this moment on and some of the animals begin their sleeping the new day. This is a very beautiful beginning in the world that you just can see all these in the country not in the city.

And for people , the people in the country are kind although they are ungrace-ful .that is not important that you will feel what is the realest in the friendship of people.

Are people kinder in the city or the country?

The people live in the country is kinder than the people live in the city . this is so sure that I just feel all this from my grandparents . My grandpatents both are country people. Their family is poor that they even do not have more money after they finish all their meals.but my mother was so so interested in studying. My grandparents got five children & gave the choice to study to allof them .


Depending on personal experience, personality type and emotional concern, we find that some people hold the idea of living in the country, while others prefer living in the city. In my opinion, I prefer the city life, though it has advantages and disadvantages.

First of all, city life is very colorful. City is the center of the surrounding area. So, it is also the most booming place having the best things. There are many great things and wonderful activities in the city, while there isn’t in the country. For example, there are KFC, wonderful shopping mall, delicious food from various places, dancing club, different kinds of activities and so on. We can also learn the culture from all the countries. Despite city life is so wonderful, it still has many disadvantages. Nowadays, with the improvement of people’s living standard, people have more cars and more people come to city, and then the city becomes more and more crowd. As a result, traffic jam emerges, which makes great inconvenience for people to go out. What’s worse, the air pollution becomes serious day by day, which is bad for people’s health.

To sum up, every coin has two sides. Living in the city also has good side and bad aspect. Whether like living in city or not depends on individual thinking. As myself, I like living in city though I know the disadvantage of living in city.


Life in the city is very different from life in the villages and on the farms. People in large cities are much more careful to respect the privacy of the individual. Sometimes this feeling seems to be one of indifference, but it is a convention of city life to curb one's curiosity about the personal affairs of strangers. Villagers and farmers are likely to show a great deal of interest in all their neighbors. Opportunities for bright young people are greater in the cities and there has been a steady stream of hopeful jobseekers from the villages and farms to the large metropolitan areas.


living in a city has both advantages and disadvantages. it is often easier to find work. there are always many choices of public transport. besides, there are a lot of interesting things to do and places to see. you can eat in good restaurants, visit museums, go to cinemas and go to parks whenever you want to relax. however, living in a city is often very expensive.



In the city, there are plenty of things for teenagers to do. They can go to the cinema as often as they like. Because there are so many cinemas in a small area, they have lots of choice about what to see.There are plenty of other activities too. Teenagers can go roller blading or ice skating. They can go to skate-board parks,to swimming pools or to video arcades.There is also plenty of choice in the city. For example,there are lots of restaurants to choose from. If you wanted to,you could have food from a different country every night of the week.本文来自作文地带:。

以上就是城市生活英语作文的全部内容,that makes the difference.译文 很多年前,在中国发展以前,人们梦想着过上城市的生活,因为城市的生活多姿多彩,大家都追求繁荣,城市生活吸引人的地方在于人们可以找到成功的机会。现在,中国正在发展中,内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。
