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  • 自然
  • 2024-03-22

我的家乡洛阳作文?描写洛阳的作文1 桥 几度斜阳尽,几回残月消,你在多少个世纪里伴着日月的轮回,放肆的冷风依然揭不开你神秘的面纱。 我踩着你不变的容颜,任青春的脚步在你的身上留下痕迹,而你不朽的躯干在涨潮时随便海水怎么猛击,也不曾老却。那么,我的家乡洛阳作文?一起来了解一下吧。


My hometown in Luoyang City, Henan province. It is the ancient capital of nine dynasties. Luoyang Longmen Grottoes, the White Horse Temple, the temple of the temple and other places of interest, these places I have visited, I was very impressed, I am very encouraged. Especially the Luoyang peony flower, the famous pottery, Heluo drum. In Luoyang, every April, diversiform peony flowers bloom, flowers, brilliant purples and reds Kam nest, Shashi good-looking. Every year attracts many Chinese and foreign visitors to Luoyang. The ancients have only really Guose peony bloom season, moving the capital." Flowers bloom enty days, everyone's a city if crazy." Such verse. Peony flower is the pride of the people of Luoyang, I love my hometown - Luoyang. I want to study hard, master more scientific knowledge, in the future to build a more beautiful Luoyang.


My hometown is beautiful place —Xuzhou.Xuzhou is located in the northwest of Jiangsu Province, only 300 kilometers away from Nanjing, the provincial capital of Jiangsu.Xuzhou has a mild climate with distinct seasons. Plains form the most part of Xuzhou alternating with hilly lands. Yi river, Shu river, the Grand C *** and the earlier course of Huanghe River all run through the city while Luoma Lake and Weishang Lake are scattered on the southern and northern fringes of the city.The original name of Xuzhou is “Pengcheng”, with 6000-year splendid culture. During the time of Emperor Yao, Dapeng State was established here. It has a 2500-year city building his tory, and is one of the first cities in Jiangsu Province. Xuzhou was one of the nine states under the rule of Emperor Yu of the Xia Dynasty (21 century B.C.) when he was in charge of the regulation of rivers and watercourses. At that time Xuzhou was a name for a wide area, in which Pengcheng functioned as the center town.Xuzhou used to be in the territory of Chu State in the Qin and Han Dynasties. It was the capital of Xichu during the time of warfare beeen General Xiang Yu and General Liu Bang . After Liu's success it became the fief of his relatives for hundreds of years afterwards. In the late Eastern Han Dynasty, Cao Cao (the chancellor at that time) assigned a prefectural governor to administer Pengcheng and t his was the first time the present name Xuzhou was used. The city was officially set up in 1945 and came under the direct control of Jiangsu Province since 1953. The city nowadays has jurisdiction over four counties of Fengxian, Peixian, Tongshan, Suining, o county-class cities of Pizhou and Xinyi, and five districts of Yunlong, Gulou, Quanshan, Jiuli and Jiawang. It covers an area of 11,258 square kilometers (963 square kilometers as the urban area) with the total population of more than 8 millions (1.5 million the urban residents).




My Hometown Luoyang


Luoyang, my hometown, is an ancient city with splendid history and culture. It is also the birthplace of the great Five Dynasties.

洛阳坐拥“八柱”国宝级文物:洛阳茅庵寺、磬山原石磬等等。佛教藻井窟及法门寺则见证了佛教在洛阳的辉煌历史。此外,孔庙、还夭城遗址也是 tourism 地标。

Luoyang is blessed with "Eight Pillars" of national treasure level cultural relics: Maoyansi Temple, Qingshan Original Stone Chime, etc. Buddhist culture thrives here, as demonstrated by Zhaocheng Cave and Fayuan Temple. In addition, the Confucius Temple and Han Yangling Mausoleum ruins are tourism landmarks.



My Hometown Luoyang

Luoyang, a city in central China, is my beloved hometown. It is a city with a long history, rich culture, and beautiful scenery.

Firstly, Luoyang is famous for its cultural heritage. The city was the capital of thirteen dynasties in ancient China, and it is home to many historical and cultural sites such as the Longmen Grottoes, the White Horse Temple, and the Luoyang Museum. These sites attract tourists from all over the world, and they are a testament to the city's rich history and cultural significance.

Secondly, Luoyang is known for its beautiful natural scenery. The city is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and it is home to many parks and gardens such as the Luopu Park, the Wangcheng Park, and the Lijing River Ecological Park. These places offer a peaceful and relaxing environment for leisure activities such as hiking, boating, and picnicking.

Thirdly, Luoyang is renowned for its food culture. The city is famous for its spicy and flavorful cuisine, such as the Luoyang Water Banquet, the Guan Tang Baozi, and the Spicy Hot Pot. These dishes are not only delicious but also reflect the local culture and traditions.

In addition to its cultural and natural attractions, Luoyang is a modern and vibrant city with a booming economy and a strong sense of community. The people of Luoyang are friendly, welcoming, and proud of their hometown.

In conclusion, Luoyang is a city with a rich cultural heritage, beautiful natural scenery, delicious food, and a strong sense of community. It is a city that I am proud to call my hometown, and I hope that more people will have the opportunity to visit and experience its charm and beauty.


我的家乡洛阳400字作文 篇1



我的家乡洛阳400字作文 篇2
















以上就是我的家乡洛阳作文的全部内容,我的家乡洛阳400字作文 篇1 我的家乡在河南省洛阳市。它是十三朝古都,我非常喜欢我的家乡。洛阳有许许多多的名胜古迹例如:世界文化遗产、龙门石窟、佛教胜地白马寺、关公的墓地关林等。我去过的有:花果山、神灵寨、重渡沟、。
